What an eventful couple of days this has been. As I am in Montreal enjoying all it has to offer I can't help but be troubled by what I've been seeing in the news. The world is in shambles, now more than ever before.
My heart and prayers go out to the people of Somalia and London. What they are facing, although very different, is deplorable and unfortunate. The famine and unrest in Somalia forces us to count our blessings and realize that the things we take for granted can easily be taken away. No one should die of hunger in the 21st century but they still do.
"Violence is not the answer." "Give peace a chance." We know these quotes only too well. So well, that they don't seem to mean anything anymore. No matter how many times we say them the reality is that faced with frustration, desperation and a lack of love people resort to violence in order to be heard and to feel like they matter. The London riots are the result of that. I pray that innocent lives will not be caught in the crossfire and that this situation will be resolved effectively and peacefully.
And whenever affliction covers the headlines, we must also remember the other nations in despair. The ones who once were in the headlines but now have unfortunately been forgotten. Haiti and Japan are perfect examples of that. Don't forget: disaster is no respecter of persons, it hits where it wants, when it wants and how it wants. We are just blessed that it hasn't hit us yet.
Keep their plights alive. Tweet #PrayforLondon, #PrayforSomalia, #PrayforHaiti and #PrayforJapan.
Kelie XoxO
P.S.: French word of the day Prière = Prayer.