Monday, June 8, 2009

Zac Posen to show Facebook-inspired spring collection?

At the 2009 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards this morning, Zac Posen described the resort collection he showed this week in New York as "market driven." He said he doesn't pay attention to trends, and isn't afraid to put on shows that will get noticed, if not solely for the clothes. Take his fall 2009 collection, for which he had five pianists play live on the runway, and which included clothes he described as "really far out there and close to costume" and "everything that a New York fashion editor is not looking for." He continued, "There's definitely fashion editors who get really bothered by the fact that I'm out and about and promoting my work. It's not what they desire as 'cool,' or what they think is interesting, and it probably de-myths their own existence." Perhaps hinting at his spring 2010 line, he said he wants to make a wearable collection next and cited Facebook as an inspiration.
Posen also confirmed to us he's working on a scripted
television show. The project is still in the very early stages. When asked if he's writing it himself, he replied, "I'm not a script-writer, but I'm very interested in writing in the future, whether it's a book or for a film or theater."
- as reported in New York magazine.

Just a thought...

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in other; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

- Audrey Hepburn