Friday, February 25, 2011

A step in the right direction

I stumbled upon this video today and wanted to share it with you. Kithe Brewster is a celebrity stylist. You may have recognized his work in the following Fall 2011 shows: Victor de Souza, Jad Ghandour and Rubin Singer. He has devoted his life, taking care of his clients appearance all the while neglecting his own. "My hectic lifestyle has made me sacrifice a lot and mostly myself and my own heath." says the fashion guru realizing his situation. He now embarks on a 6 month journey with a set goal: loose 60 pounds in 6 months and reclaim his health. Follow the link to see how he does.
XoxO Kelie

Just a thought...

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in other; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

- Audrey Hepburn

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